Standards for Construction Dumpsters

These regulations are available for download.

Permits Required

  • If your project requires placement of construction dumpsters in the right-of-way (street, sidewalk, alley, or other publicly owned space) a permit is required prior to delivery of the dumpster.
  • If you will place your dumpster on private property, no additional permits are required.  Please note, dumpsters may only be placed on the property where work is taking place, not on adjacent or near-by lots or sites.
  • Permit Cost:
    • Streets with Metered Parking: Meter Rental Rate (City Code 154-1090)
    • Streets without Metered Parking: $10.00 per day

Placement and Required Markings

  • Construction dumpsters placed on the public right-of-way may not obstruct equipment necessary for public safety, such as fire hydrants or traffic signals or control devices.
  • Construction dumpsters may not obstruct the driveways or access to adjacent properties, without the consent of that property owner.
  • All dumpsters or containers placed on the public right-of-way are required to have the following safety markings in the interest of public safety:
    • Name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the dumpster.
      • Characters must be legible, in a color which contrasts with that of the dumpster and not less than 2” in height.
    • Safety markers are required on each end of the dumpster.
      • No less than 2 “Type 2” safety markers must be permanently affixed to the upper corner at each end.
      • A “Type 2” marker is either: a marker of 3 yellow reflectors each with a minimum dimension of 3” OR an all yellow reflective panel measuring not less than 6” x 12”
  • The permit issued for the construction dumpster must be plainly and visibly displayed at the associated construction site in a manner as to be readable from the public right-of-way.

Responsibility for Debris

Per the New Orleans Amendments to the International Building Code (2012), the applicant for a permit, contractor, and property owner are responsible for the management of construction debris generated by construction activity.

  • Any material not removed from the construction site daily is required to be stored in a refuse container or other device/enclosure.
  • Debris may never be stored or allowed to accumulate on the street or sidewalk.

Enforcement Authority

Violation of these standards constitutes a violation of the New Orleans Building Code (City Code Section 26-15) as well as a violation of the standards Section 146-584 of the City Code.  The property owner responsible for such violations is subject to fines and/or penalties as prescribed by Chapter 6 of the City Code in addition to administrative action, such as Stop Work Orders, at the discretion of the Director of Safety and Permits. Permit fees will be assessed from the date the placement of the dumpster is documented through the date it is documented as removed.

Fines to be assessed for placement without a permit (in addition to administrative action):

1st offense by contractor or property owner: $100
2nd offense by contractor or property owner: $250
3rd offense by contractor or property owner: $400
Subsequent offense by contractor or property owner: $500

Service provided by
1340 Poydras Street Suite 800 New Orleans, LA 70112
