
April 22, 2024 | From City of New Orleans

TRAFFIC ADVISORY: Temporary Road Closure between Canal Boulevard and Germain Street (River Bound)

Canal and Germain


NEW ORLEANS — The City of New Orleans Department of Public Works’ construction contractor, Hard Rock Construction, LLC., closed the travel lanes between Harrison Avenue and Germain Street (River Bound) to vehicular traffic today, April 22 at 7 a.m. This closure is anticipated to end Friday, May 17 at 5 p.m. This closure will allow crews to perform subsurface utility repairs as part of the $18.4 million Lakeview South Group B project.

Public safety is top priority; therefore, signage and traffic control measures, such as barricades and fencing, will be onsite to direct drivers to the safest route of travel. A detour is in place to relieve traffic congestion and provide alternative travel means.

The $18.4 million Lakeview South Group B Infrastructure Improvement Project will be removing, replacing and repairing existing water, sewer and drainage lines; repaving the roadways; installing new sidewalks where necessary and installing American with Disabilities Act-compliant curb ramps at all intersections. The project is currently scheduled to begin wrapping up Fall 2025.

Since May 2018, DPW has completed 186 projects with an estimated value of $765 million. Today, 55 roadwork projects are under construction with an estimated value of nearly $781 million.

Please visit for more information. Questions about this project or RoadworkNOLA should be directed to 504.658.ROAD (7623) or  

To better serve residents with more timely communication, RoadworkNOLA is in the process of building their distribution list to provide important construction updates through text messaging. To sign up, text "ROADWORK" to 77295 or go to to create a profile and select the “roadwork” alert list. 


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The City of New Orleans Department of Public Works (DPW) and Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) are working together to implement an unprecedented program to restore our damaged infrastructure. Using local and federal funds, the $2.3 billion program is the most comprehensive that our region has seen in a generation.