Sanford "Sandy" Krasnoff New Orleans Criminal Justice Council Supplemental Grant Application Questions

These questions are to be completed and submitted in addition to the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice Notice of Intent Worksheet, for consideration of grant funding.  

These questions address the projects functions, innovation, and future sustainability. Additionally, questions regarding how your project prioritizes racial equity in an effect to prevent adverse outcomes and advance equitable solutions are also included.  

Applicant Agency: 

  • Project Title: 
  • Contact Person: 
  • Phone (please include area code and extension):
  • Email: 
  1. What problem is your project trying to solve? Please include any available supporting data. 
  2. Detail your plans for funding sustainability beyond the grant period.   
  3. Describe how your project presents an innovative or new solution to the problem.  Is this project new to the field or new to New Orleans? 
  4. Describe how your project improves overall system function or positively impacts other system actors. 
  5. Describe how your project is grounded in an evidence-based model, citing any literature or references that your project is drawing from.  
  6. Describe how your project purposefully seeks to advance racial justice within the criminal legal system? 
  7. Has data been used to identify target populations that are overrepresented within the Orleans Parish Criminal Legal System? What, if any, qualitative and/or quantitative data and analysis will be used to inform the development and implementation of this proposed project through an equity lens?   
  8. A key component of advancing racial equity is incorporating ongoing community engagement mechanisms. How does your project center the voices of people with lived experience with the criminal legal system, if applicable?   

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