Office of Workforce Development Topics


Hire NOLA is a standardized mechanism to link employment opportunities created by City construction contracts and economic development projects to a qualified local workforce.

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JOB1 Business and Career Solutions

Empowering Workforce and Employment

JOB1 fulfills two critical linked missions - providing employers access to qualified talent while connecting underemployed residents with family-sustaining careers. Our locally attuned programs funded through the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act equip job seekers with precisely the skills and coaching needed to excel in growing regional sectors.

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Notice of Funding Availability

The Office of Workforce Development recently issued a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for programs empowering those negatively impacted by COVID-19 with career development skills bolstering long-term mobility.

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Local Workforce Development Plan

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) [Public Law 113-128] provides Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth funding to the City of New Orleans for the provision of employment and training services. 

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Living Wage

Upholding the New Orleans Living Wage Ordinance

The recent New Orleans Living Wage Ordinance establishes a higher minimum pay rate for covered employees, along with compulsory compensated leave, aiming to uplift financial security for vulnerable workers.

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Workforce Development Board

The New Orleans Workforce Development Board (NOWDB) was established under the guidance of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The Workforce Development Board is a business-led organization, partnering with education, organized labor, higher education, the community, and government, to provide oversight to public workforce development programs.

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