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January 12, 2021

City Hall Spotlight: Mary Pettingill

by Allison L. Cormier, District "C" Liaison
Filed under: city hall spotlight

What New Orleans neighborhood do you live in? / Where did you grow up? 

I grew up in Metairie but have lived in the City Park area for the past 35 years.

Describe your job to us! 

I am the Fiscal and Personnel Manger for the Mayor’s Office.  I handle the financial, procurement and contracts for the Mayor’s Office and Human Resources transactions.

Tell us about your career path. 

I have been with the City for 31 years.  I started in the Office of Housing & Urban Affairs, as it was called then in the Annex at 2400 Canal Street as the Fiscal Bureau Chief.  I moved to the Mayor’s Office in 1997 and have been here ever since.  My job in the Mayor’s Office has been similar with each Administration.

What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most? 

I like all of the aspects of my job.  It is challenging and fulfilling at the same time.

What challenges do you find to be the greatest in your role? 

It is always a challenge trying to do all of the things we would like and need to do with the resources.  Some years are more challenging than others.

What is your favorite thing about New Orleans? 

The people.  I don’t know that I can pick one thing.  I know that I have not had the desire to move any place else.  I like to visit other places but always happy to come home.  New Orleans is my Happy place.