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October 7, 2022

City Hall Spotlight: Joseph Threat

by Henry L Walther

What New Orleans neighborhood do you live in? / Where did you grow up?

I currently live in Gentilly with my daughter. I am originally from Kansas City, Missouri.

Describe your job to us!

I have authority over the FEMA-backed program that aims to rebuild 400 miles of streets. It's a handful. It's like walking through a minefield with pork chop pajamas on. It's a professional challenfe that I accepted, and I'm just trying to do my best and be accountable. It's all about getting the job done.

Tell us about your career path.

I started in the Marine Corps in 1969. I was also the Executiev Director for FEMA Recovery from 2009 to 2012.

What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

Working with a great team of staff and helping them develop and mature.

What challenges do you find to be the greatest in your role?

Trying to build and maintain a cohesive team.

What is your favorite thing about New Orleans?

The music and the food. I've been all over the world, but it feels like you can stay in New Orleans and experience the entire world from here.